Black and White Wedding Photography

Black and White Wedding Photography
When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes.
When you photograph them in black and white, you photograph their souls.
Black and white photography is as old as the art of photography itself. Colors came much later.
Ever since I have started working in photography, and it's been a long time, black and white
photography has attracted my interest as a different artistic expression.
In a color photo the information given is important and definitely catches our attention more.
In black and white photography, you do not focus on how something is, but on what it is and
what it wants to tell you. With no colors, the elements that define the images acquire
another meaning. The main focus is upon what you are feeling. That is, in something deeper,
the eyes, the look, the expression wrinkles. You find that even the shapes start to matter more.
The curves, the objects, the shadows, the light.
As a photographer, I believe that weddings are colorful events, but still black and white
images could have an apocalyptic role. The beauty in wedding photography lies in the small
moments of truth that reveal the emotions. Laughter, joy, tears, a tender touch, a hug.
The black and white photo express all these more intensely. Maybe because for some reason
it has the power to evoke a sense of nostalgia for what is depicted. Maybe because
everything that is immortalized in black and white hides a timeless charm.
By no means do I underestimate the strength of colorful photographs.
Both color and black and white photos fascinate for different reasons.
Below you can go through to some of my favorite black and white wedding photos.